5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec3,2023 #Beauty #Secrets
5 beauty secrets from olive oil 3
5 beauty secrets from olive oil 3

Olive oil is considered a versatile oil.

1. Makeup remover/Exfoliate



To remove makeup, you just need to apply a little olive oil on your face, especially the area that needs to be removed.


5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Kill death celk.

Olive oil is also extremely effective in exfoliating the whole body.

5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Secrets of stars

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2. Whitening bath with olive oil


5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Whitening bath with olive oil.

To whiten your skin with olive oil, you should choose to buy Extra Virgin, this is the first pressed oil from olives so it is considered the purest and least processed.

3. Mask to prevent aging


5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Anti-aging mask

Olive oil is the beauty secret of many older women.

4. Acne treatment


5 beauty secrets from olive oil

Acne treatment.

Treating acne with olive oil is quite simple.

5. Hair care


Hair care.

To get bouncy and shiny hair, you need to prepare a bottle of olive oil (Extra Virgin type). First, wet your hair, then put 10-15 drops of olive oil in the palm of your hand, apply evenly.

See more:

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The explosion of Indian skin care cosmetics

Suggestions on how to care for your girlfriend’s soft hand skin

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