The following is a guide to help you build an ideal scientific diet.
1. Eat a variety of foods
In food, there are many nutrients that are good for health that have not been discovered by humans;
Using a combination of foods will help you absorb all the disease-fighting abilities that nutrients provide.
2. Pay attention to portion sizes
You can of course eat all your broccoli or spinach, but when it comes to foods high in calories, portion control is key.
When dining at a restaurant, choose an appetizer instead of a first course or share a meal with friends.
3. Use lots of whole grains
Whole grains should make up half of the grains you consume, such as wheat, barley and oats.
Whole grains should make up half of the grains you consume, such as wheat, barley and oats.
4. Limit refined grains and foods high in sugar
White bread, pasta and most snack foods contain little or no fiber and many nutrients are lost during the refining process.
Limit your intake of foods containing sugar such as soft drinks and candy.
5. Eat lots of fish and nuts
Nuts, fish fats, avocados and vegetable oils are good sources of unsaturated fats for a scientific diet.
Fats from fish help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as provide other benefits thanks to containing omega-3 – a type of unsaturated fat that is beneficial for health.
See more:
3 principles of scientific eating to help lose weight
10 things you need to know about healthy eating
Eating culture of countries around the world