The feet are the least cared for part of the body.
So how can you have beautiful and healthy feet?
Declaim food
The feet are an important part, the acupuncture points under the soles of the feet affect most parts of the body.
Photo: Heatlhline.
Foot bath ingredients don’t need to be too picky, you can soak them with things available in your refrigerator or garden.
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
Foot care tips: The body’s second heart
Soak your feet with salt
Salt water stimulates circulation and blood circulation.
Photo: Unsplash.
Soak with ginger
This is a medicine in Oriental Medicine because it has warming properties to retain body heat.
Photo: Unsplash.
Prepare 100g of whole ginger, crush it and put it in boiling water for 5 minutes, add a teaspoon of salt and wait for the foot bath mixture to cool down.
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
Tips for taking care of your nails and foot skin to confidently wear sandals
Soak with essential oils and herbs
You can soak your feet with essential oils or herbs available at home to relax.
Photo: Unsplash.
Exfoliate your feet
Many people pay too much attention to their face and body skin but forget that their feet also need care.
Photo: ecolivingmama.
The product will help energize, remove dirt and clean your skin.
The Body Shop Spa of the world™ french grape seed body scrub
Pure coffee beans from Dak Lak combined with Tien Giang cocoa butter help effectively cleanse dead body skin, even out skin tone, and awaken energy to help skin become soft, smooth and radiant.
Dak Lak Cocoon coffee body scrub for soft and radiant skin
Don’t forget to moisturize
Like other skin areas on the body, feet also need to be moisturized daily.
Eucerin Urea Repair Plus 10% foot moisturizer.
SVR Xérial 30 Crème Pieds foot moisturizer.
Apply a foot mask
This may sound strange, but feet are exposed to a lot of moisture and tightness due to frequent and continuous wearing of shoes and sandals.
You can mix honey with warm water and apply the mixture evenly on your feet, leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
Photo: Pexels.
Applying a foot mask with aloe vera is also spread by women because of its excellent moisturizing properties.
NATURE REPUBLIC Soothing & Moisture Aloe Vera 92% Soothing Gel
Pedicure care
Nail art is a beauty method loved by women.
Cuccio Naturale Milk & Honey Cuticle Revitalizing Oil.
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
How to cure dry skin and return `pearl heels` in the cold season
Foot massage
A relaxing therapy that helps relieve pain and relieve stress that you cannot ignore.
Photo: Pexels.
To start foot massage, you should soak your feet in warm water to soften the skin.