Along with HIIT, high-protein diets are gaining popularity recently.
It’s not hard to see why protein and exercise go hand in hand.
A meal rich in protein is an ideal menu for girls who like to exercise.
But of course, it’s essential to pay attention and follow through when making changes to your diet – and increasing the amount of protein in your diet is also a consideration.
Here are seven of the most common mistakes women often make when adapting to today’s trending diets.
1. Choose unhealthy protein sources
Choosing protein is something you need to pay attention to first, because some protein-rich foods can be harmful to your health.
So which proteins should we choose?
One of the richest sources of protein – beef also needs to be chosen carefully.
2. Skip plant-based proteins
We often talk about meat when we talk about protein, but meat isn’t the only option.
Plant-based protein foods contain many important vitamins and minerals that you cannot find in meat.
Don’t rely solely on animal protein sources.
3. Eat too much protein
Protein can be good for you, but `too much of anything is not good`.
While protein is a priority, it’s important to make sure your diet is balanced and nutritious.
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4. Not drinking enough water
It is never too much to talk about drinking enough water.
As a general rule, drink 60ml of water per kilogram of body weight.
Drinking enough water is something women always need to prioritize.
5. Cut out other food groups
Protein may be your new best friend, but don’t ignore all the healthy foods you’ve been eating before.
Besides, healthy fats provide energy for the body, promote nutrient absorption and support cell growth.
With a protein-rich diet, you need to add lots of fruits and vegetables to add fiber.
6. Use soybeans in moderation
Considered a very beneficial food source for women, soybeans are also a great alternative to red meats.
Also, skim the Nutrition Facts section on the label before buying “meat imitation” vegetarian foods, as these foods often have sodium levels comparable and even higher than cooked red meat foods.
Soybeans are a good source of protein, especially for women.
7. Not exercising
Basically, exercise and protein are the ideal duo.
So how much exercise is enough?
A protein-rich diet won’t be as effective as possible if you don’t take the time to exercise regularly.
See more:
Macro diet: Effective weight loss of 4.5kg in a month without counting calories
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