Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec27,2023 #Beauty #traveling
Beauty tips before traveling that you should know 0
Beauty tips before traveling that you should know 0


Who are the main characters of the 7 most famous travel blogs today?

Traveling is considered a favorable time to rest and take care of the body after a long period of social fatigue.

1. Hair

If you have long hair and are planning to travel, you should cut your hair short or trim it to make it neat.

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Care and condition your hair before traveling to have beautiful, bouncy hair

2. Facial skin

To take beautiful photos when traveling, facial skin is also an important factor.

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Moisturize before traveling to have soft, smooth skin

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Exfoliation is extremely important, but it also makes your skin thinner and weaker, making it more susceptible to sunlight and weather changes.

3. Body

Just like your face, your body’s skin will also be affected by changes in weather, climate and lifestyle.

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Moisturizing the body is one of the steps that cannot be skipped

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

You should give your skin some time to recover from waxing before you travel

4. Foundation

Having an elaborate manicure with long nails studded with stones may not seem like a good idea for those who are about to travel, especially when you have to manage your own luggage and organize your belongings.

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Taking care of and having a simple set of nails will make your travel easier

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know


British tourism: 50 green colors of Cornwall

5. Health

To ensure that you can enjoy your trip to the fullest, health is one of the most important factors.

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

Eating well helps you have good health before traveling

Beauty tips before traveling that you should know

With the increasing trend of culinary and travel experiences, ELLE Women’s Magazine is organizing for the first time a travel festival called ELLE GETAWAY so that you can learn more about restaurant and hotel services.

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Sincere thanks to main sponsor Vietinbank, location sponsor Rome A, support unit Sunplay, The Body Shop

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