Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018

Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018 5
Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018 5

Health and fitness coach Dang Do Quyen emphasized the importance of considering movement and exercise as an indispensable part of daily activities.

According to Ms. Dang Do Quyen, what are the 3 common mistakes Vietnamese girls make in exercising?

According to Do Quyen, first, it is practicing irregularly, practicing according to the movement.

So what are the 3 things to remember to counterbalance the above 3 mistakes, ladies?

Remember that movement and exercise are part of the day.

In your opinion, what diet and exercise trends will prevail in 2018?

Do Quyen sees that currently many of you are eating low carb, that is, eating less starch.

Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018
Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Reasons you `can’t say no` to Body Combat exercises

In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of practicing according to Youtube?

The plus point of practicing on YouTube is that you can control your own time and use your own space at home without the need for equipment.

Squats are a movement for girls.

A basic squat is to open your knees as wide as your hips or wider, straighten your back, push your butt back, and keep your knees behind your toes.

Coach Dang Do Quyen shares diet and exercise trends in 2018

Your secret to always being full of positive energy?

Do Quyen exercises every day, alternating between yoga and bodybuilding.

Can you recommend a clean, healthy dish that only takes 15 minutes to make?

Do Quyen cooks very often, quickly and deliciously.

Thank you.

See more:

Get a `fit waist` with effective weight loss exercises at home

What to eat after exercise to lose weight?

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