Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec29,2023 #Enjoy #RomeA #shopping
Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center 0
Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center 0

Less than 3 months after the opening date, when you come to RomeA shopping center, you will see quite impressive changes according to the `Always New` criteria through modern design, colorful shopping space and offline activities.

RomeA is not only a shopping place for young people, but also a place to meet and entertain friends

Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

RomeA creates a different space, not crowded, not rushed.

Coming to RomeA, you will experience and freely choose many workshop activities on your favorite topics of beauty, fashion, make up, and cuisine with the participation of industry experts.

Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

A typical example is the success of the program `Guide to Contemporary Fashion Exhibition` by RomeA accompanying F.A.C.E Fashion workshop, collaborating with 02 founders of TR Cutting School, Elena Ewst Fashion lab with the purpose of introducing an exhibition for

Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

Accompanying and organizing the Fashion Exhibition also falls under RomeA’s top criteria of `Always New`: Unique – Strange – Convenient.

Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

Ms. Tran Ha Mi and Anh Dung Yoko – 2 influential Influencers in the Vietnamese Fashion industry also attended the event.

There are always new brands arriving at RomeA every month, with a variety of choices that do not follow a standard

Enjoy shopping with 1,000 discount vouchers at RomeA shopping center

Breaking traditional views of shopping centers and not following the crowd, RomeA integrates many services, meeting the needs of shopping and new experiences instead of just focusing on selling high-end products.

Breaking traditional views of shopping centers and not following the crowd, RomeA integrates many services, meeting the needs of shopping and new experiences instead of just focusing on selling high-end products.

Breaking traditional views of shopping centers and not following the crowd, RomeA integrates many services, meeting the needs of shopping and new experiences instead of just focusing on selling high-end products.

Let’s take a look at some photo corners that young people have excitedly checked in and test your `professional` virtual living ability!

With the desire to bring a new breeze to the retail industry in Vietnam and become an ideal destination for young people, RomeA is gradually continuing to improve with new models, beautiful spaces, ever-changing youthful styles…

Don’t forget to follow RomeA fanpage so you don’t miss out on exciting promotions: https://www.facebook.com/romeavn/?ref=page_internal

As a sincere thank you, this July, RomeA will give away 1,000 discount coupons of 50,000VND (*) to customers who come to visit and shop here.

Method 1: Customers just need to come to RomeA Shopping Center to visit and will immediately receive a discount coupon of 50,000 VND.

Method 2: Customers take a photo of the promotion program post on RomeA fanpage and bring that image to the customer service counter of RomeA Shopping Center.

(*) See more conditions of use on voucher or contact customer service desk.

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