The day Coco Chanel took scissors to cut her dress short was a memorable milestone in the history of feminism.
Madonna – symbol of rebellious feminism
The next feminist `bomb` appeared in 1997 in the form of five beautiful British girls – the Spice Girls with the catchphrase `Girl Power`.
Janet Jackson overcame her brother’s shadow to create her own experience and influence
Silent, discreet, gentle and much more realistic, from the heart of the 80s appeared another icon, worthy of being the inspiration for the women’s rights movement in music in later years: Janet Jackson
Spice Girls – five iconic girls of “Girl Power”
After Janet, the world of women’s music developed more fully and fully, with trends divided into clearer factions, and because of that, it carried within it a stronger fighting power.
The 21st century witnessed the unprecedented rise of female artists, reminding people of the matriarchal era, when the world did not know how to be unfair to women.
Who are they, and what are the tribes mentioned? Let’s take a look together!
The next generation of real feminism
The best representative is none other than Taylor Swift.
Not inferior to Taylor is Katy Perry.
Taylor Swift – inspiration for girls of all ages.
Even though they don’t like each other, together, Taylor and Katy remind a lot of a young Janet Jackson in the early 90s.
Cher is the ageless face of feminism
Cultural world
Feminism in cinema & inspirational faces
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Women’s gender equality since the 1940s
Men’s views on gender equality
Women’s hearts, feminist stories & charitable foundations