The Kokology test can help us see things hidden deep in our minds and subconscious.
(Source: Pexels)
A solo trip in the vast desert
1. Now, you are riding a camel, crossing countless sand dunes in the middle of a desolate desert.
2. Right at the moment you believe you are about to collapse from thirst, suddenly a cool green oasis appears and someone comes before you.
3. Time seems to stand still in the desolate desert, you think you are about to sink into eternity, and then, like a miracle, the lights of the city – the lights of life – flicker across the horizon.
4. But as soon as you are about to unsaddle, another adventurer immediately climbs up to take your place and begins the journey you just went through.
A. Your ex-lover, the heartless person who hurts you so much.
B. Rival (or someone you don’t like very much).
C. Close siblings or close friends.
(Source: Internet)
Decoding the journey in the desert
Please honestly answer the above questions according to the first images that come to mind.
1. What do you say to the camel?
In the depths of the desert, the camel symbolizes one’s efforts to overcome the difficult period of lovelessness.
If you say the words of encouragement, `We will get through it`, it means you are very strong, resilient, and ready to face challenges to wait for a happy response later.
(Source: Internet)
If you are still in despair and have not accepted the breakup, you may think `Am I going to die here?`, `I can’t get over it!`
Maybe you don’t know if you can escape or not, but right at that very moment, you know how to say `thank you` to the camel, as a form of gratitude and appreciation for your efforts.
2. Who is the person in the oasis?
(Source: Internet)
Psychologically, the oasis represents the key to solving problems.
When answering this question, if a loved one comes to mind, then luckily, you still have someone by your side, accompanying you through difficult turning points in life.
Kokology test: Your ability to get involved in secret love affairs
3. How does it feel to reach your destination?
The sparkling town of lights at the end of the journey is your calm heart after your hurts.
(Source: Internet)
Of course, it can be joy when you finally recover and are yourself again after a period of uncertainty and loneliness.
However, it can also be an unfamiliar shock when suddenly realizing that you have reached your destination, without any preparation or warning.
4. Who is the new adventurer on a solo journey?
(Source: Internet)
The next camel rider will indicate who you want to experience your past solo journey.
A. It’s undeniable that your ex has hurt your heart, even though he probably didn’t mean to.
B. The new rider on this journey may be a secret rivalry, jealousy or resentment.
(Source: Internet)
C. It sounds a bit strange, but if that person is a sibling, it’s not malicious, you just want your loved ones to experience and practice.
And if you don’t think about anyone, then your heart is truly calm, not sad or happy, not happy or angry, you are very close to happiness.
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Kokology test: The cube reads your personality
Kokology test: Revealing your subconscious self-worth