Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec4,2023 #Mistakes #sunscreen
Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin 2
Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin 2

According to research by the American Skin Care Association, representative Dr. Elizabeth Hale said: `Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in America, caused by the habit of not using sunscreen or using it incorrectly.`

Do not use sunscreen every day

Photo: USA, New Jersey

Sunscreen is only for those who go to the beach, play outdoor sports or simply for those who don’t like dark skin!

Not applying enough dosage

Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin


Continued by Dr. Hale: `Every skin cell needs to be covered every day, just because you want to save money, you should not use less cream.

Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin

The secret to being healthy and beautiful

Decoding 4 scary myths about sunscreen

Forgot to reapply the cream

Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin

Photo: Royal Palm Plaza

This is probably the most common mistake when using sunscreen.

Don’t pay attention to the SPF index

Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin

Photo: lovelyskin

There is no general rule when choosing SPF index.

Lack of attention to ingredients and order of applying cream

Chemical sunscreens containing avobenzene, octinoxate, oxybenzone… need time for the cream to penetrate and take effect.

Mistakes when using sunscreen cause dull skin

Photo: Doctor Scar

In addition, most sunscreens have moisturizers, but don’t let that stop you from skipping the moisturizing step before applying the cream.

Only apply sunscreen to the face

Photo: Zola

Perhaps this is also the most common mistake when using sunscreen, applying it only to the face and forgetting other parts.

See more:

Are you suitable for chemical sunscreen or physical sunscreen?

Suggested 5 affordable sunscreens for her

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