Natural beauty: Coconut oil, matcha, honey

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec18,2023 #Beauty #Coconut #natural
Natural beauty: Coconut oil, matcha, honey 1
Natural beauty: Coconut oil, matcha, honey 1

1. Coconut oil

It is impossible to deny the influence this ingredient has had on the beauty world in the past two years.

Coconut oil is one of the `miracle drugs` with great moisturizing and restorative properties that you can use from head to toe.

If there is one thing that can be certain about women’s beauty 3-4 years ago, it is that hardly any girls thought of using oil to care for their skin, even when they heard the word `oil`.

Washing your face with oil not only removes all the dirt stuck in the pores but also brings a smooth, bright look to the skin.

2. Matcha

Natural beauty: Coconut oil, matcha, honey

Matcha, also known as green tea powder, is an ingredient originating from Japan with many health and beauty benefits that is popular in Asia.

People often think that Japanese women stay young and have a slim figure due to genetics.

3 cups of green tea a day is a medicine that helps purify and eliminate toxins throughout the body, including those harmful to the skin.

My favorite recipe every week is a matcha mixture combined with yogurt (or coconut oil) used as a mask for extremely moisturizing results.

3. Honey

Natural beauty: Coconut oil, matcha, honey

Honey is considered the purest and oldest natural ingredient used by humans.

The moisturizing and softening properties of honey make it an excellent moisturizer for skin and hair.

Sexy icon Scarlett Johansson once shared about her strong love for natural beauty products.

It can be said that these wonderful ingredients are precious gifts that nature gives to humans.

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