Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec5,2023 #cuisines #Refer
Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world 4
Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world 4

Dieting, whether it’s to stay healthy or lose weight, must be delicious.

Mediterranean region

The Mediterranean diet originates from the countries of Greece, Italy and Spain.

According to research from Tufts University, Massachusetts, people in the Mediterranean region consume the most fruits and vegetables in the world.

Photo: Getty Images

Northern European region

Northern European people prepare dishes from local organic agricultural products such as whole grains, berries, canola oil, dairy products, seafood and pork, beef, sheep… Maintaining

Learning from the Nordic diet, you can start from food selection.

Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world

Photo: Getty Images

Okinawa Island, Japan

During World War II, Okinawa Island was one of the poorest regions in Japan.

Sweet potatoes, rice, green vegetables, tofu, and soy sauce are typical foods and make up the majority of the Okinawan diet.

Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world

Photo: Stocksy


Having the richest cuisine, the rate of obesity among French people is very low.

The secret here lies in lifestyle.

Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world

Photo: Pexel


Fragrant and colorful spices are the first thing people think of when talking about Indian cuisine.

Refer to diets from famous cuisines around the world

Photo: Pexel

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