Stars who have been sexually abused

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec12,2023 #sexually #Stars
Stars who have been sexually abused 4
Stars who have been sexually abused 4

The way strong female stars overcome pain and turn it into strength and courage is one of the things that makes them admire.

Below are Hollywood female artists who have experienced painful memories of sexual abuse:

1. Marilyn Monroe


Marilyn Monroe

Because her mother had mental problems, Marilyn Monroe lived in an orphanage since childhood.

In the 1950s, while people could not talk about sex and sexual abuse, she dared to fight against the reality of sexual abuse in children.

2. Madonna


Stars who have been sexually abused


On `The Howard Stern Show`, pop queen Madonna opened up for the first time about her painful past.

3. Oprah Winfrey


Stars who have been sexually abused

Oprah Winfrey

In a 1986 television talk show, famous host Oprah Winfrey confided about her unfortunate past.

4. Lady Gaga


Stars who have been sexually abused

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga once confided that the biggest event in her life was probably being sexually abused when she was just a teenager.

5. Queen Latifah


Stars who have been sexually abused

Queen Latifah

At the age of 20, singer and actress Queen Latifah found the courage to tell her parents the truth that the male babysitter who took care of her as a child often assaulted her.

6. Kesha


Stars who have been sexually abused

Kesha is the owner of many hit songs such as Tik Tok, Take If Off, Timber

In October 2014, Kesha filed a petition with the New York City Supreme Court (USA) denouncing the sexual abuse of music producer Dr.

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Kesha lost her 10-year sexual abuse lawsuit

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