Spread tarot cards for the week of March 4 – March 10.
Since this is a general reading, we hope you will receive all messages openly and positively.
Capacitor 1
You have: Four of Swords – Judgment – Five of Swords
Advice for readers who choose tarot card number 1: live and control your own life and don’t worry about the gossip and criticism of those around you.
Quiz: The image you see first reveals areas of your personality that need improvement
Capacitor 2
You have: Ten of Pentacles – Nine of Swords – Page of Cups
The challenges and pain you have experienced in the past are about to end, giving way to positive things.
Capacitor 3
You have: Six of Cups – Nine of Wands – Page of Swords
Tarot card number 3 shows that the new week is when you accept to step out of your comfort zone to take on new challenges.