The art of communication helps create a good impression

The art of communication helps create a good impression 0
The art of communication helps create a good impression 0

Beautiful women and the art of communication

In psychology, there is a noun called `bias effect` (also known as `primacy effect`), which means that people easily rely on first impressions to make decisions.

Be punctual and trustworthy


The art of communication helps create a good impression

Always be on time and keep your integrity

If you promise someone something, you should follow through with your promise, and the simplest thing is to be on time.

Dress politely


The art of communication helps create a good impression

People who have a good image at work have a starting salary that is 8 – 20% higher than those who do not pay attention to their appearance.

Some people have a habit of not being very picky about their clothes and this is also a personal matter for each person.


The art of communication helps create a good impression

You should be yourself but also need to maintain a minimum respectful attitude to avoid causing offense.

Proactively greet first

One of the rules in the art of communication is that in the initial meeting, your proactive greeting means letting the other person feel that you are putting them in a relatively high position.

Be yourself in a position of respect for the other person

You should not appear too confident or deliberately try to please someone you just met.


The art of communication helps create a good impression

To make a good impression, you should practice sitting up straight to create vitality and spirit emanating from yourself.

Polite and civilized language and gestures

The first impression needs to create sympathy to build a future relationship, so you cannot be too comfortable in words and gestures.

Sit up straight

People who have the habit of sitting hunched over are often self-conscious, shy and have a strong self-defense instinct. This image makes the other person feel unapproachable.


The art of communication helps create a good impression

Raise issues that the other person is interested in, promote the conversation and make the atmosphere closer and more exciting.

Know how to lead a conversation that makes the other person satisfied

Everyone has things that they feel confident and proud of, but no one asks about them in a conversation, so they will be afraid to proactively mention them.


See more:

Communication skills with 4 `special` personality groups

Learn communication skills: speak from the heart

Learn how to communicate well through habits

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