The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment

The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment 2
The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment 2

1. Research

First, learn more about climate change and its impact on health, and how it affects women, men, boys, and girls differently.

Dr. Maria Neira – Director of the Department of Public Health of the World Health Organization

2. Reduce carbon footprint

This is a term that measures how much CO2 (one of the most serious greenhouse gases) you emit every day, from transportation, heating, cooling, electric lights, food and more.

3. Switch to a clean energy supplier

It benefits our climate, our economy and our health.

The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment

Photo: Unsplash

4. Use means that require muscle movement

Cycling, walking or taking public transport has many benefits such as keeping you physically active, keeping the air clean, reducing carbon emissions and even helping to prevent a range of chronic diseases including cancer.

5. Protect your loved ones and yourself

Climate change causes natural disasters to come faster and faster such as heat waves, droughts, floods, fires and epidemics.

The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment

6. Change your diet

Reducing your intake of meat and dairy products is one of the biggest ways to reduce your environmental impact on the planet.

7. Smart consumption

Avoid single-use items and fast fashion.

The Director of the Ministry of Public Health under WHO suggests 10 steps to take action for the environment

8. Join a group or social organization for the environment

Connect with others working on health, gender and the environment.

9. Get the message out through your network

Talk to people or reach out to social media to spread the word about how to deal with climate change and how to minimize future dangers coming your way.

10. Let your voice be heard

As you make positive changes to your life and reduce your environmental impact and stay healthy, share your experiences with family and friends.

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