When should you supplement your body with vitamin D?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec21,2023 #supplement #When
When should you supplement your body with vitamin D? 3
When should you supplement your body with vitamin D? 3

Many data show that on average, about 1 in 5 people (from 19-64 years old) lack vitamin D in their blood.

Benefits of vitamin D

Vitamin D has many important functions, especially enhancing the ability to absorb Calcium and Phosphate in the intestinal tract, creating conditions for the immune system to function normally.

Photo: Alamy Stock

Types of vitamin D

However, there are many types of vitamin D and which type of vitamin D do you need?

Vitamin “sunshine”

Vitamin D is also known as the “sunshine” vitamin because the body has the ability to synthesize vitamin D directly from sunlight.

When should you supplement your body with vitamin D?

Photo: @pupile_gustative/Unsplash

When should you take vitamin D supplements?

Although you `don’t lack sunlight to bathe in`, factors such as dirt, clothing and sunscreen become barriers to direct vitamin synthesis.

When should you supplement your body with vitamin D?

Sun protection is extremely necessary, however `closed` sun protection is the cause of natural vitamin D deficiency.

Besides, you should consider taking vitamin D supplements when your body has symptoms such as: Frequent infections, physical and mental fatigue, drowsiness, muscle and joint pain…

When should you supplement your body with vitamin D?

Photo: Shutterstocks

Depending on the body, skin pigmentation, climate, lifestyle… to decide the dose of vitamin D needed to supplement.

See more:

Signs that the body needs vitamin supplements

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