Why is art needed in life?

Avatar of Nick John By Nick John Dec18,2023 #needed
Why is art needed in life? 3
Why is art needed in life? 3

Art is always around us, a cultural and historical record

It would be common sense if the vast majority of people think that art is sophisticated paintings and sculptures displayed in museums.

Art reflects a person’s growth and evolution as well as the development of humanity.

Why is art needed in life?

The Pont Du Gard aqueduct, the Colosseum, the Greek Parthenon… are cultural works that still exist today, helping us gain a deeper insight into the history of Roman society.

Before humanity was even formed, art inherently existed in the life of the natural world.

Why is art needed in life?

Cultural world

Accessing art in the virtual era


Like language and laughter, creativity is a natural, basic, and primitive behavior.

Art impacts every aspect of life and it is difficult to quantify its influence.

Why is art needed in life?

Image of a horse painted on the wall of Lascaux cave, about 16,000 years ago.

Art touches the deepest aspects of humanity and allows us to express those aspects.

Why is art needed in life?

“How Arts heals the wounds of war?”

Life is full of work and competition, people sometimes have to put on a happy face, but inside the soul there is a lot of sadness and regret that we cannot express.

Why is art needed in life?

In the Face cachée (Dark Side) 2018 collection, artist Hom Nguyen portrayed the `dark side` of each person’s soul with only two tones of white and black.

So where is the boundary between art and non-art?

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