The secret to being healthy and beautiful
Find smooth skin with the most popular hair removal methods
Unlike waxing or razor hair removal methods, this laser hair removal method will make your skin smoother and brighter.
(Photo by Dr.Numb)
What is laser hair removal?
In essence, laser is light that is amplified by stimulated emission, so when laser shines on the body hair area, it will destroy hair follicles with high energy.
Video of laser hair removal method (Source Ideal Image)
Choose the right hair removal method for each skin type.
Different skin tones require us to use different types of lasers (Photo shutterstock)
Not all lasers are the same or suitable for your skin type.
How many hair removal treatments are reasonable? – What is the cost for one hair removal session?
There are many factors to decide how many times you need a hair removal treatment (what type of skin you have, what part of your body you intend to remove).
Some men have begun to choose laser hair removal to remove ugly facial mustaches (Photo Dr.Numb)
Costs will vary depending on where you live.
Laser hair removal for the entire body is increasingly being chosen by more and more women
( Photo shutterstock )
The secret to being healthy and beautiful
[365 Beauty tips] Learn the truth about botox, facelifts and anti-aging lasers
Laser hair removal procedure.
Laser hair removal still causes mild pain, not painless as people mistakenly think.
Gel application process before using laser to remove unwanted body hair (Shutterstock photo)
This method actually lasts over two minutes and feels like a hot rubber band on your neck and you can smell some of the hair being burned directly.
The effectiveness of laser hair removal
(Photo of laser hair removal)
Laser hair removal is a safe solution and helps you save money compared to other methods.